jackfruit cutlet

making of jackfruit cutlet

Image result for jackfruit cutlet
Image result for jackfruit cutlet
  1.  select the jackfruit in 3 to 4 month
  2. cut the upper portion bushes of the green jackfruit
  3. the  cut portion should clean with oil
  4. Image result for upper [portion cut green jackfruit
  5. the cut portion are to be chopped
  • the chopped portion with salt be cook well (20to30 minute)
  1. the cooked part will cool  first
  2. to get kadai and add oil 
  3. add the ingredients , pepper powder, chicken masala, curry leaf ,ginger ,green chilly,Image result for jackfruit cutlet
  4. the non veg people can add with grind beef, boneless chicken
  5. and cooked jackfruit add this
  6. Image result for jackfruit cutlet
  7. to get dry bread powder
  8. the mixed part are into be the shape of cutlet
  9. Image result for jackfruit cutlet
  10. and drop this to egg white
  11. mix with bread powder
  12. Image result for jackfruit cutlet
  13. and this will fry we get jackfruit cutlet
  14. Image result for jackfruit cutlet


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